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Ben Teufel

Interview with Antura Records’ driving force Ben Teufel

What can we say? This man breathes music. It was a real pleasure having this short talk with Ben Teufel. Head honcho of German Antura Records and it’s many sub forms. Founded in 2012 focusing on quality music that has spirit and soul: music that makes you smile and dance. And Ben Teufel is all about that.

Managing a label with great artists requires a lot of patience, control and time. Listening to most of the works being released on the young label Antura records shows that quality techno music is being produced with passion and good guidance. We read following statement and cannot agree more as it is a firm statement. “It’s not only about selling records, about the biggest stages, the most famous artists, it’s about the people on the dancefloors who live and enjoy the lifestyle of electronic Music. Music is pure emotion, music is about creating special moments of unity, harmony, peace and togetherness!!!”. Fact, but in the end an artist should make good living as well.

Below you can read all about what drives Ben Teufel, some insights about his imprint and what’s next to expect. In the meantime enjoy our next episode of our Tanzgemeinschaft Podcast Series.

Hey Ben, a simple question to get started. Can you describe yourself in less than 10 words?

Following your path from the start of the label and even you as an artist, we see it means a lot but what does music mean to you?
It means everything, I can’t live without Music!

Was there a specific moment in time when you realized that you wanted to become a dj/producer?
After watching Ben Sims, Technasia, Dave Clarke and Jeff Mills live on the decks all I wanted to do was to spin records too!

The music industry can be a pain in the ass. What do you personnally find the most challenging about it?
You need a lot of patience, sometimes it’s hard not to lose focus on the big picture!

If there is one thing you can change related to this industry, what would that be?
Get rid of EDM!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

TGMS: Fair enough.

What was your motivation to start Antura, your record label?
I wanted to be independent from others. Do it my own way, releasing the music I love! As an artist I experienced how some labels treat their artist and I thought that’s not the right way! So let’s do it better!

How about the selection process? What is the criteria to release music on Antura?
When I listen to music it has to make me wanna dance! I need to feel it! Of course there is the technical and creative part, but in the end I need to feel it!

Back to you as an artist. What or who is/was your biggest influence or influencer?
Puh! There are a lot of guys that influenced me over the last 10-12 years. In the beginning guys like Chris Liebing, Technasia, Dave Clarke, Ben Sims, DJ Rush, Jeff Mills to name a few. Nowadays I like what Coyu is doing as an artist and with Suara! Marco Carola, Maceo Plex, Loco Dice, Luciano, Adam Beyer, Davide Squillace, Tale Of Us and so on…

How do you start your productions? What is the creative trigger?
Most of the time I start with the kick & bassline and go from there. I don’t have a special trigger, it’s flowing or it’s not!

TGMS: basic, but we hear this works like a charm when listening to your tracks.

What can we expect from Ben Teufel in the next months?
A lot of new productions, collaborations and remixes coming up. More Antura Showcases and gigs are in the pipeline. Also with Antura we plan to release on vinyl pretty soon and I will start a new Label with my buddy Tarde called Convention which is focused on Minimal Techno.

Living in the scene for quite some time know. What is the most memorable moment so far, as a DJ?
There is not a specific moment! What I do love is when I get in this kinda zone after playing a while and you look in the crowd and see the people smiling, dancing and having fun! Especially in smaller clubs where you have a better connection to the people and you can give high-fives ;)! LOVE IT!

Name one track you use in your sets that always sets the house on fire.
Pete Dorling โ€“ Palonga

Do you still set foot on the dance floor to mix with the crowd?
Of course! I love dancing and party, why shouldn’t I do that.

TGMS: drunk people hanging around your neck ๐Ÿ™‚

As last. What is your guilty pleasure music wise?
Eminem, Sia, London Grammer

It matters little whether you are an artist or a visitor, the love for music is the unifying factor.

We are a magazine & record label dedicated to quality underground electronic music. We do not look for just any music or anyone, we are looking for music, and people who create memorable experiences, that inspires and invokes emotion. Let’s create timeless music.